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Nathan Stewart

Ph.D. Student
School of the Environment

A landscape image of a sunset over a body of water


I am studying the role of Atlantic bluefin tuna in marine food webs of Atlantic Canada. My PhD project involves using stomach contents and stable isotope analysis of multiple tissues to quantify individual specialization of resource use of Atlantic bluefin tuna and other marine fish species. The results from my research will provide insight into the predator-prey dynamics between Atlantic bluefin tuna and their primary prey species, Atlantic herring and Atlantic mackerel. 


This project is a collaborative effort between researchers at the University of Windsor, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and multiple Fisheries & Oceans Canada institutions. This work also relies on the support of fishers and other industry stakeholders involved in the Canadian bluefin tuna fishery.  


2022 – Present 

PhD Student - Earth Sciences

University of Windsor (Windsor, ON, Canada)

Supervisors:  Aaron Fisk, Louise Chavarie (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), and Alex Hanke (Fisheries & Oceans Canada)


2020 – 2022 

Aquatic Sciences Biologist

Large Pelagics Group, Fisheries & Oceans Canada

St. Andrews Biological Station (St. Andrews, NB, Canada)

Supervisor: Alex Hanke


2018 – 2020

Environmental Field Technician 

Hemmera Envirochem Inc. (Calgary, AB, Canada)


2015 – 2017 

M.Sc. Environment & Life Sciences Graduate Program

Trent University (Peterborough, ON, Canada)

Supervisor: Gary Burness


2010 – 2014 

B.Sc. Biology (Honours)

Acadia University (Wolfville, NS, Canada)

Supervisor: Mike Stokesbury


  1. Stewart, N.D., Busawon, D.S., Rodriguez-Marin, E., Siskey, M., and Hanke, A. 2022. Applying mixed-effects growth models to back-calculated size-at-age data for Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). Fisheries Research 250: 106260. 

  2. Rodriguez-Marin, E., Busawon, D., Luque, P.L., Castillo, I., Stewart, N.D., Krusic-Golub, K., Parejo, A. and Hanke, A., 2022. Timing of Increment Formation in Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) Otoliths. Fishes, 7(5): 227.

  3. Stewart, N.D., Mastromonaco, G.F., and Burness, G. 2020. No island-effect on glucocorticoid levels for a rodent from a near-shore archipelago. PeerJ. 18: e8590. 

  4. Stewart, N.D., Reilly, A., Gilman, C., Mastromonaco, G.F., and Burness, G. 2018. Evidence of degradation of hair corticosterone in museum specimens. General and comparative endocrinology. 268: 128-133. 

  5. Dadswell, M.J, Ceapa, C., Spares, A.D., Stewart, N.D., Curry, R.A., Bradford, R.G., and Stokesbury, M.J. 2017. Population characteristics of adult Atlantic sturgeon captured by the commercial fishery in the Saint John River estuary, New Brunswick. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 146(2): 318-330.

  6. Stewart, N.D., Cormier, Y., Logan-Chesney, L.M., Gibson, G., Wirgin, I., Dadswell, M.J., and Stokesbury, M.J. 2017. Natural stranding of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus Mitchill, 1815) in Scot's Bay, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, from populations of concern in the United States and Canada. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 33(3): 317-322.

  7. Stewart, N.D., Dadswell, M.J., Leblanc, P., Bradford, R.G., Ceapa, C., and Stokesbury, M.J. 2015. Age and growth of Atlantic Sturgeon from the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 35(2): 364-371.

Conference Presentations

  1. Stewart, N.D., Busawon, D.S., Rodriguez-Marin, E., Siskey, M., and Hanke, A. 2022. Applying mixed-effects growth models to back-calculated size-at-age data for Atlantic bluefin tuna. Atlantic Large Pelagic Advisory Committee (ALPAC) Meeting 2022. Feb 22 – 23. 

  2. Stewart, N.D., Busawon, D.S., Rodriguez-Marin, E., Siskey, M., and Hanke, A. 2022. Estimating age-at-maturity from biphasic growth models for Atlantic bluefin tuna. Atlantic Large Pelagic Advisory Committee (ALPAC) Meeting 2022. Feb 22 – 23. 

  3. Stewart, N.D., Busawon, D.S., Rodriguez-Marin, E., Siskey, M., and Hanke, A. 2021. Developing Growth Models from Back-Calculated Length Data for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. ICCAT - Intersessional Meeting of the Bluefin Tuna Species Group. April 9 – 12. 

  4. Stewart, N.D., Busawon, D.S., Rodriguez-Marin, E., Siskey, M., and Hanke, A. 2021. Estimating Age-at-Maturity from Back-Calculated Growth Trajectories for Individual Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. ICCAT - Intersessional Meeting of the Bluefin Tuna Species Group. April 9 – 12. 

  5. Stewart, N.D., Mastromonaco, G.F., and Burness, G. 2017. The effect of island life on the morphology and stress physiology white-footed mice. The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA. January 4 – 8.  

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